October 8, 2019
According to preliminary data, the 2019 tourism season on the North Shore has been very good for most areas.
According to Mario Leblanc, Managing Director of Tourism Côte Nord (North Shore): “The efforts by the North Shore tourism industry to position the region as a leading destination are paying off. The North Shore is becoming a must for people looking for authentic experiences.”
The majority of tourism companies in the region contacted by Tourisme Côte-Nord (North Shore) experienced an increase in clients of between 4% and 25% for the 2019 season, compared to the summer of 2018.
The Côte-Nord (North Shore) occupancy rate for May was 40%, compared to 38% for the same period in 2018. The months of June and July saw increases of 0.7% and 3.8%, respectively. Accommodation establishments confirm that this was an excellent season.
Tourism Office Visitors
Côte-Nord (North Shore) offices recorded 70,970 visitors between May 1 and September 9, 2019, down 10% from the same date in 2018. This decline can be explained in large part by the increased use of the web to learn about tourist destinations.
Visitors came mainly from Quebec (71%), while 5% of visitors came from other Canadian provinces, and European customers accounted for 21% of visits, up 1% from 2018.
Tourism Côte-Nord (North Shore) Website and Facebook Page
Visits to the tourismcote-nord.com website were up 19%. The Côte-Nord (North Shore) Tourism Facebook page saw an increase in subscribers between May 1 and September 9, of 5,510, for a total of 34,859 likes since its launch.
Julie’s Côte-Nord (North Shore) Contest
Since its launch on June 21, Julie’s Côte-Nord (North Shore) contest has received 13,677 entries and generated 10,300 facebook shares and 57,000 visits to the Tourism Côte-Nord (North Shore) website. The contest allows participants to vote for their favourite North Shore image.
About Tourism Côte-Nord (North Shore)
Tourism Côte-Nord Duplessis and Tourism Côte-Nord Manicouagan are private, not-for-profit organizations, recognized and mandated by the Quebec government for regional consultations, hospitality, information, signage, promotion and tourism development for the region. The Quebec Ministry of Tourism recognizes these partners to establish priorities, general directions and strategic actions to ensure the development of the Côte-Nord (North Shore).